
In this LIVE training, you'll learn the exact system to work less than 20 hours per week and make 6+ figures in one year with 1 team member & no ads.

When we’re thinking about scaling businesses, it’s not enough to just think about paying our personal bills anymore. We want to think about our long-term growth goals for our COMPANY and pricing our services in a way that ALLOWS that to happen. That means NOT charging hourly bc there are only so many hours in […]

Scaling Your Business

How To Price Your Services In A Scalable Way

People tend to overthink for a few reasons – They don’t trust THEMSELVES to make the right decision They’re AFRAID that if they do something wrong or make the wrong decision they’ll get reprimanded, made fun of ..etc. They’re worried they’ll FAIL This all boils down to one thing – FEAR!And a lot of the […]

Scaling Your Business

How overthinking is holding you back from success

You don’t need more time. You need to refine your business model.You don’t need more TIME in your day…We’ve all heard the saying that we have the same amount of time as Beyonce and that’s because it’s true. Yes, she has a massive team of people around her BUT it’s because she set up her […]

Scaling Your Business

You Don’t Need More TIME; You Need To Do This Instead

If you think you’re “bad at marketing your business, you’re really not. You just haven’t found a way to market it that feels GOOD to you!If marketing your business feels HARD, you’re doing something wrong because it should be as easy as sharing about your favorite restaurant (which we know you have no problem doing, […]

Scaling Your Business

How To Enjoy Marketing Your Business

If your revenue is stuck at the same place each month, it’s time to take a step back and look at how you’re showing up in your business. Are you enjoying what you’re doing? Or are you just crossing tasks off the list because that’s what you’re supposed to do? Are you focusing on ACTUAL […]

Scaling Your Business

What To Do If Your Revenue Is “Stuck” At The Same Level Each Month

I’ll admit it..I’m a tech nerd 🤓From the first day I found the online business world 6 years ago, I was obsessed with everything happening in the backend of businesses – tools, systems & automations…oh my! I spent the next few years trying out ALL of the different tools and creating ALL of the different […]

Scaling Your Business

3 Elements to Automate In Your Business to Save At Least 10 Hours/Month

You did the hard work..🥳 You got the clients, generated the revenue, hired team members BUT you’re still working waaay more than what you desire. Once you start outsourcing, you’re supposed to get MORE time back but it feels like nothing has changed. If you have a team but you’re still working all the time […]

Scaling Your Business

Have A Team But Still Working All The Time?

I see too many business owners confusing their audience..and likely without even realizing it. They’re showing up (like they’re told to). But there are massive holes in what they’re saying to their audience..which leads to very few leads and clients. But we’re running businesses and clients who pay money are necessary to keep this thing […]

Scaling Your Business

Why You’re Confusing Your Audience (Without Realizing It)

In this post we’re talking about the 6 main elements of your customer journey. Do you have a mapped-out journey that your potential clients go through? Or are you just “winging it” each day and hoping that your ideal clients find you online? Before you can start marketing to your ideal client, you need to […]

Scaling Your Business

6 Main Elements Of Your Customer Journey

I hear from a lot of clients that letting other people in and giving up control is hard for them in their business. It’s their baby and they built it from the ground up. They’ve been burned by team members, coaches, clients..etc. So they’re afraid to move forward.They started to feel taken advantage of and […]

Scaling Your Business

Why Your Trust Issues Are Holding You Back From Scaling Your Business

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